Sunday, February 13, 2011

Booed by Nephew....Cannot Get Any Lower

About a month ago, my brother-in-law and nephew came to a game.  Home team player throws down a ferocious two-hand dunk when I am the L, and screams as he comes down.  He continues his scream as he turns to run up the court, and ends up screaming right in an opponent's face.  Bang.  Crowd goes completely ballistic, which is funny for a CC game.  Tell my partners, taunting T, go administer, I'll hang back here.  Report to table:  "Technical A on white 21, taunting."  White coach still angry, so I  head over.  "Stop screaming!"  He stops.  "I called the T for taunting, not hanging on the rim.  He screamed in 35's face after he came down."  "Oh!  OK!" and the coach sat without another word.  Crowd hated me the rest of the half.

Saw my nephew today.  He's 6.  "We yelled 'BOO!' at you!"

"Why?  I thought we were friends?"

"Because you made a bad call."

"You booed me?!?!"

"Yeah, but not as bad as the other people."
