Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Double Foul, Your Friend

Had a scrimmage last night, which tends to get really fun when you have overly-aggressive players with little experience and no potential foul trouble...After a never-ending stream of off-ball fouls in the post, where players resorted to hand-to-hand combat and wrestling instead of actually using their feet to get to and establish a post-up position, my partner came out with the double foul, our old friend. Worked like a charm. Both get personals, point-of-interruption penalizes nobody, and the game goes on. In real life, if they do not adjust, they go to the pine in foul trouble. If they do adjust, problem solved and everyone is better for it.

Best call of the night, best lesson of the early season. The double foul in the post is a great friend to you, especially early in the game, and early in the year. Save the wrestling matches for the Octagon; enforce BSQR in the post.


Jing Daddy said...

You guys never penalize the offensive player first. Calling a double foul is a cop out.

PigPen said...

I disagree that the offense never gets called. I see the offensive player get called a lot when he initiates and the defense doesn't respond. The problem is that often the offense initiates, and the defense immediately retaliates before the whistle is even blown. In that case, it makes sense to get both of them for their fouls.